miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2014

Guia Toukiden: Materiales de los Enemigos

En esta nueva guía del juego que puedes ver directamente en el blog o descargarla para el PC, podrás conocer los items que puedes obtener de todos los enemigos del juego, ya sean menores como los Imps como los Onis de gran tamaño. La guía esta dividida en 2 partes, los items que entregan en rango bajo y los que entregan en rango alto. Espero les sirva la información para que puedan crear las armas y armaduras que les interese. ¡¡¡Happy Hunting!!!

Guia Toukiden: Items de los Enemigos

Nota: Los enemigos Shadow Soul y Umbrapod solo se pueden ver con el Demon Eye. Cuando los veas con esta habilidad debes golpearlos para que aparezcan en el mundo normal. Existe un 5% de posibilidad que aparezcan en un mapa, y esta probabilidad se resetea cada 5 minutos.

Rango Bajo
(Chapter 1 – 5)
(Phase 1 – 5)
Rango Alto
(Chapter 6 y 7)
(Phase 6 – 10)

Tenacious Claw
Avaricious Claw

Pale Imp
Voracious Fang
Luminous Shard
Shaterred Horn
Petrified Bone
White Drum
Hardened Oni  Skin

Dark Imp
Avaricious Claw
Underworld Souvenir
Miasmatic Abdomen

Blazing Soul
Red Eye
Horned Skull
Flame Spirit
Shadow Soul
Green Eye
Golden Skull
Light Sprite

Toxic Fang
Strong Joint
Filum Sac

Hypno Fang
Violet Needle
Soul Serum
Deformed Bone
Dream Bellow
Hardened Oni Skin

Large Ear
Moedant Fang

Pale Aurwing
Energy Cell
White Ear
Oni Bone
Deformed Skin
Hardened Oni Bone

Dark Aurwing
Long Tail
Unclean Ear
Black Carapace

Earth Fang
Wet Skin
Tunneling Fang
Hardened Oni Bone

Frost Fang
Unclean Hide
Elastic Band
Soul Serum
Mysterious Fang
Mysterious Claw (L)
Large Fang
Vicious Mud
Deformed Skin
Mutant Sac
Hardenend Oni Skin
White Snakeskin
Short Foot
Haku Sac

Clawler´s Claw
Metal Skin
Oni Skin
Mysterious Claw
Armor Breaker
Small Horn

Frost Crawler
Unclean Metal Skin
Hard Back Spike
Shattered Horn
Petrified Bone
Thick Metal Bone
Mysterious Fang (L)

Spiky Tongue
Toad Oil
Soul Serum
Mysterious Claw
Toxic Pool
Small Horn

Unclean Tongue
Grief Sac
Soul Shard
Jet Black Claw
Miasma Hump
Criptid bone

Stone Shell
Thrusting Horn
Oni Bone
Deformed Bone
Stomping Foot
Hardened Oni Bone

Foul Red Shell
Scorched Horn
Vicious Skin
Deformed  Skin
Sturdy Plastron
Mysterious Fang (L)

Tiger Pelt
Wriggling Snake Tail
Oni Skin
Mysterious Fang
Large Monkey Fang
Small Horn

Soul Shredder
Golden Fur
Shattered Horn
Petrified Bone
Black Tiger Pelt
Mysterious Fang (L)

Sickleclaw Talon
Fire Starter
Oni Skin
Mysterious Fang
Blaze Bag
Hardened Oni Bone

Soul Reaper
Golden Carapace
Golden Reaper
Soul Shard
Jet Black Claw
Armored Tail
Mysterious Fang (L)

Black Feather
Raptor Talon
Oni Bone
Mysterious Fang
Black Wing Quill
Small Horn

Gold Feather
Soul-Peking Beak
Soul Shard
Jet Black Claw
Gold Wing Quill
Criptid Bone

White thread
Mnhunter mane
Abyss drop
Manhunter hornbit
Manhunter sickle
Black exoskeleton
Manhunter claw
Black sand
Voice of anguish
Soul crystal
Pure white thread
Hell drop
Manhunter horn
Deadly sickle
Jetblack exoskeleton
Manhunter razor
Oni's tear
Moan of lament
Polyhedron crystal
Eye of Truth mask

Rock pellet
Bloodhunter mane
True abyss drop
Bloodhunter hornbit
Bloodhunter sickle
White exoskeleton
Bloodhunter claw
Voice of lament
Voice of resentment
Whisper of affection
Hard rock pellet
Hades drop
Bloodhunter horn
Fatal sickle
Pale exoskeleton
Bloodhunter razor
Moan of lament
Polyhedron crystal
Roar of valor
Eye of Truth mask
Windshredder shell
Golden mane
Dust strom
Windshredder hornbit
Windshredder claw
Quick leg shell
Gale tail
Black sand
Voice of lament
Voice of despair
Hardened windshell
Whirling dust
Windshredder horns
Sharp airblade
Windshredder razor
Hard quick leg shell
Squall tail
Oni's tear
Moan of lament
Polyhedron crystal
Eye of Truth mask

Skyshredder shell
Platinum mane
Brilliant light
Skyshredder hornbit
Skyshredder claw
Flying leg shell
Strom tail
Voice of anguish
Voice of resentment
Whisper of affection
Skyshredder shield
Heavenly light
Skyshredder horns
sharp skyblade
Skyshredder razor
Hard flying legshell
Sky tail
Oni's tear
Moan of anguish
Roar of valor
Eye of Truth mask

Adamantine hair
Surfeit molar
Revolving mountain
Jollux hornbit
Horned mountains
Jollux arm shell
Jollux leg shell
Oni's club
Voice of anguish
Soul crystal
Strong adamantine
Flowing mountain
Jollux horns
Divine mountains
Rocky arm shell
Rocky leg shell
Moan of anguish
Polyhedron crystal
Roar of valor
Eye of Truth mask

Ice fur
Sea maw
Ripple drop
Edax hornbit
Icy mountains
Edax arm shell
Edax leg shell
Black sand
Voice of regret
Whisper of affection
Frozen ice fur
Tide drop
Edax horns
Submerged mountains
Ice arm shell
Ice leg shell
Onis's tear
Moan of lament
Polyhedron crystal
Eye of Truth mask

Blazedbird ruff
Crimson crest
Heat haze
Pyropterex hornbit
Hot breastplate
Blazebird wing
Scarlet wing
Blazebied claw
Blazebird tail
oni's club
Voice of lament
Voice of despair
Blazebird beak
Sea fire
Pyropterex horn
Sizzling breastplate
Flexible bone
Hellfire wing
Blazebird spur
Blazebird plume
Moan of anguish
Moan of despair
Roar of valor
Eye of Truth mask

Lusterbird ruff
Blue crest
Distant thunder
Astrapteryx hornbit
Numbing breastplate
Lusterbird wing
Thunder wing
Lusterbird claw
Lusterbird tail
Voice of lament
Voice of resentment
Otherworldly mineral
Lusterbird beak
Thunder clap
Astrapteryx horn
Shocking breastplate
Shock resistant bone
Divine thunder wing
Lusterbird spur
Lusterbird plume
Oni's tear
Moan of lament
Moan of despair
Eye of Truth mask

Sliding skin
Rare ore
Pulsing stone
Terragrinder hornbit
Drill tooth
Terragrider fin
Scarlet fin
Terragrinder claw
Scared claw
Terragrinder sword
Terragrinder fanfin
Black sand
Voice of anguish
Soul crystal
Otherworldly stone
Terragrinder horn
Hardened drill tooth
Strong earth fin
Strong scarlet fin
Terragrinder razor
Sharp scarlet claw
Sharp earth fin
Hard earth fanfin
Moan of anguish
Moan of despair
Roar of valor
Eye of Truth mask

Frictional skin
Primordial ore
Lava jewel
Pyrogrinder hornbit
Excavation fang
Pyrogrinder fin
Amber fin
Pyrogrinder claw
Amber claw
Pyrogrinder swordfin
Pyrogrinder fanfin
Oni's club
Voice of resentment
Voice of valor
Earth's naval
Egg of creation
Pyrogrinder horn
Hard excavation fang
Strong fire fin
Strong amber fin
Pyrogrinder razor
Sharp amber claw
Sharp fire fin
Hard fire fanfin
Polyhedron crystal
Moan of despair
Eye of Truth mask

Harrowhalf hair
Hundred fang maw
Blazing ice sword
Harrowhalf hornbit
Strange shield
Flame fist
Ice fist
Oni's club
Voice of lament
Voice of despair
Harrowhalf beard
Frozen flamesword
Harrowhalf horns
Mutant shield
Inferno fist
Frozen fist
Mighty firesummoner
Mighty Icesummoner
Moan of resentment
Moan of regret
Moan of despair
Eye of Truth mask

Dreadhalf hair
Thousand fang maw
Stone stromsword
Dreadhalf hornbit
underworld shield
Earth fist
Lighting fist
Voice of anguish
Otherworldly mineral
Voice of valor
Dreadhalf beard
Bedrock Stromsword
Dreadhalf horns
Hades shield
Earthquake fist
Thunder fist
Mighty eartsummoner
Mighty stromsummoner
Moan of lament
Moan of regret
Vow of love
Eye of Truth mask

Viper Queen
Scaly skin
Wisdom fang
Water spirit
Viper Queen hornbit
Spiral fragment
High tide pearl
Dream claw
Whitewater skin
Blackwater skin
Black sand
Voice of regret
whisper of affection
Touch scaly skin
Rain dragon
Viper queen horns
Explosive spiral
Low tide pearl
Large dream claw
True whitewater skin
Blackwater horn
Moan of anguish
Moan of resentment
Polyhedron crystal
Eye of Truth mask

Venom Queen
No aparece en Low Rank
Green scale armor
Serpent fang
Strom dragon
Venom queen horns
Explosive ash spiral
Dragon pearl
Large strom claw
True green snake skin
Blue snake horn
Moan of resentment
Moan of regret
Vow of love
Eye of Truth mask

Explosive stone
White down
Floating rock
Bladewing hornbit
Stoneblade wing
Bladewing talon
Oni's club
Voice of regret
Soul crystal
Bladewing plume
Floating gemstone
Bladewing horns
Adamantine wing
Bladewing spur
Moan of resentment
Moan of submission
Vow of love

No aparece en rango bajo
Frostwing plume
Blue down
Flying glacier
Frostwing horns
Deep ice wing
Frostwing spur
Moan of regret
Moan of submission
Moan of despair
Eye of Truth mask

Chthonian Fiend
Pulsating lava
Chthonian cloak
Chthonian hornbit
Chthonian beads
Chthonian arm shell
Scorching stonespike
Chthonian leg shell
Red hot claw
Chthonian tail
Flaming lotus
Voice of resentment
Voice of Despair
Otherworldly mineral
Infernal lava
Infernal shadowflame
Chthonian horn
Chthonian rosary
Hard Chthonian arm
Inferno Stonespike
Hard Chthonian leg
White hot claw
Chthonian rocktail
Hell fire lotus
Moan of submission
Vow of love
Song of Hope
Eye of Truth mask

Abyssal Fiend
No aparece en rango bajo
Infernal silver
Abyssal cloak
Dark light
Abyssal horn
Abyssal rosary
Hard Abyssal arm
Calamity stonespike
Hard Abyssal leg
Heaven thunderclaw
Abyssal rocktail
Heaven thunderlotus
Polyhedron crystal
Vow of love
Roar of valor
Eye of Truth mask

Hell´s Warden
Silver mane
Protective shell
Thunderice breath
Warden hornbit
Shell armament
Shell cannon
Electric horn
Silver scales
Gust tails
Voice of regret
Soul crystal
Voice of valor
Severing shell
Thunderice strom
Warden horn
Shell platfrom
Shell turret
Lightning horn
True silver scales
Tornado tail
Moan of submission
Vow of love
Song of hope
Eye of Truth mask

Hell´s Sentinel
No aparece en rango bajo
Shearing shell
Underworld shell
Heaven's fireball
Sentinel horn
Flame armament
Flame cannon
Attack skyhorn
Large Scorch claw
Underworld tail
Moan of despair
Vow of love
Song of hope
Eye of Truth mask

Nightblade plastron
Ancient helmet
Jet black snake
Nightblade hornbit
Shattered skull
Turbulent thorn
Huge arm shell
Huge arm spike
War arm
Nightblade snake
Voice of despair
Otherworldly mineral
Voice of valor
Hard plastron
Destructive snake
Nightblade horn
Large cranium
Miasmatic thorn
Strong arm shell
Strong arm spike
Mighty war arm
Nightblade snake ( L )
Moan of resentment
Moan of regret
Song of hope
Eye of Truth mask

No aparece en rango bajo
Hard sable plastron
Large twisted fang
Flameice dragon
Sable horn
Large horn
Miasmatic spike
Blue arm shell
Blue arm spike
Mighty battle arm
Large dragon tail
Moan of submission
Roar of valor
Song of hope
Eye of Truth mask

Cimmerian King
Cimmerian armor
Cimmerian helmet
Evil shadow
Cimmerian hornbits
King's wing
Large king's wing
Golden blade
Golden arm shell
Beast fang
Beast claw
Beast tail
Whisper of affection
Otherworldly mineral
Voice of valor
King's armor
Vortex shadow
Cimmerian horn
King's halo
True king's wing
Golden sword
Soul arm
True beast fang
Sharp beast claw
Giant beast tail
Moan of resentment
Moan of submission
Song of hope
Eye of Truth mask

Amaranthine King
No aparece en rango bajo
Royal armor
Amaranthine helmet
Perpetual vacuum
Amaranthine horn
Royal halo
True royal wing
Great royal axe
Accursed arm
Enormous beast fang
Enormous beast claw
Enormous beast tail
Moan of regret
Moan of submission
Song of hope
Eye of Truth mask

Cerberus (DLC)
Misión DLC de rango alto
Guardian's speartip
Infernal shadowflame
Abyssal cloak
Dark light
Vortex shadow
Perpetual vacuum
Rocky arm shell
Ice arm shell
Large dream claw
Large strom claw
Golden sword
Soul arm
Great royal axe
Accursed arm
Golden skull
Light sprite
Short foot
Haku sac
Gold nugget
Pure Haku
Eye of Truth mask

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